
  1. 2. Angle that is less than 90°
  2. 4. Opposite of Multiplication
  3. 5. Opposite of Addition
  4. 6. A straight line
  5. 7. + -
  6. 10. whole numbers(Can be negative)
  7. 12. y=mx+b
  8. 16. Opposite of Division
  9. 17. The longest side of a right triangle
  10. 19. Creator of Buoyancy and displacement
  11. 20. three sides and three vertexes
  1. 1. Assumed number value(ex. x)
  2. 3. Opposite of Subtraction
  3. 8. Non Straight line
  4. 9. Angle that is exactly 90°
  5. 11. A mathematical Statement
  6. 13. Angle that is more than 90°
  7. 14. Multiplied itself by 2 times
  8. 15. Multiplied itself 3 times
  9. 18. 3.14