
  1. 4. when the sum of two angles is equal to 90 degree
  2. 10. who's volume is l*b*h
  3. 13. the opposite sides are parallel and equal to each other and all four angles are right angles
  4. 15. a triangle in which all three sides have the same length
  1. 1. a number that can be represented as the quotient p/q of two integers such that q ≠ 0
  2. 2. the point of intersection of all the three medians of triangle
  3. 3. a six-sided polygon
  4. 4. perimeter of a circle is called
  5. 5. the average of the given numbers
  6. 6. part of a line with one end point
  7. 7. When none of the sides of a triangle are equal
  8. 8. angle that is less than 90⁰
  9. 9. a line which intersects two or more lines at distinct points
  10. 11. lines that never meet
  11. 12. half of diameter
  12. 14. number staring from 1 is called