
  1. 3. A crescent measuring tool
  2. 4. the _______ between two numbers in subtraction
  3. 5. What you find when you use Y=mx+b
  4. 8. the branch of mathematics that helps in the representation of problems or situations in the form of mathematical expressions
  5. 9. partial numbers without a decimal
  6. 12. a place to store lesson tests
  7. 14. take away
  8. 15. The study of shapes
  1. 1. indicates the number of times a number needs to be multiplied by itself
  2. 2. The book of fractions
  3. 5. A number taken to the power of 2
  4. 6. The mathimatical study of change
  5. 7. Male math teacher
  6. 8. Operation that includes the sum of two numbers
  7. 10. A number taken to the power of 3
  8. 11. the ____ of two numbers in addition
  9. 13. Real numbers that can be more or less than zero