Mathematics Corssword Terms

  1. 2. Life Describes the rate of decay
  2. 4. Individuals or groups from the population that are not represented in the sample
  3. 7. Next to something
  4. 9. The longest angle in a triangle
  5. 10. The peak coordinates of a parabola
  6. 13. Law sinA/a = sinB/b = sinC/c
  7. 14. A point in a graph that is separate
  8. 15. The number that occurs most often
  1. 1. A curved line found in a graph with four quadrants
  2. 3. The number of people in a given area
  3. 5. The study of triangles
  4. 6. The middle number in a set of numbers
  5. 8. Where the parabola touches the graph
  6. 11. The Average in a set of numbers
  7. 12. Law c=a2+b2﹣2abcosγ