Mathematics Holiday Homework

  1. 4. To view something in relation to another.
  2. 6. Discover exact size, amount, etc.
  3. 7. Collection of different things.
  4. 8. Result in addition.
  5. 10. Detailed examination.
  6. 13. An operations of arithmetic.
  7. 14. Branch of math that deals with numbers.
  8. 16. Total space taken up by a 2D shape
  9. 19. Study of abstract math.
  10. 21. A line with no endpoint.
  1. 1. A 2D shape with no edges and corners
  2. 2. The mathematical study of change.
  3. 3. 1/1000th of SI unit of mass.
  4. 5. An operations of arithmetic.
  5. 9. Branch of math that deals with data.
  6. 10. Branch of math that involves variables.
  7. 11. Another name for edge.
  8. 12. Collection of facts.
  9. 15. Brach of math that deals with triangles.
  10. 17. Line segment joining 2 vertices in a shape.
  11. 18. Division.
  12. 20. Small part of circumference.