  1. 6. Two lines with common point.
  2. 7. these are ponints that lie on the same plane.
  3. 9. These are planes that have common line.
  4. 11. These are two lines that are not in the same plane.
  5. 12. These are planes that have no common point.
  6. 13. A portion of a line that has one endpoint and it is named bt the endpoint.
  1. 1. lines These are coplanar lines that not intersect.
  2. 2. These are points that lie on the same line.
  3. 3. Two lines that intersect forming congruent right angles.
  4. 4. It ha only a location, It has no size, but can be modeled by dot. A point is name using a capital letter.
  5. 5. Straight and has infinite length but don't have width and thickness and with two arrow heads on both sides.
  6. 8. A flat surface that has infinite length and width but no thickness
  7. 10. Two rays that have a commo0n endpoint that point in opposite direction.
  8. 11. Portion of a line that two end points.