
  1. 1. x1 × x2 = c/a; x1 + x2 = -b/a
  2. 5. graph of x^3
  3. 7. b^2-4ac
  4. 8. perpendicular line to plane
  5. 11. like a cube, but with different sizes of sides
  6. 12. a^2+b^2=c^2
  7. 13. line which divide 1 angle on two equal angles
  1. 1. line which has direction
  2. 2. rectangular triangle has two cathetus and one _____
  3. 3. radius × 2
  4. 4. general title of sin, cos, tg, ctg, arccos, arcsin, arctg, arcctg
  5. 6. - king of Math
  6. 9. line which divide one side of triangle on 2 equal parts
  7. 10. V=1/6×V(parallelogram)
  8. 11. graph of x^2