
  1. 2. FΔt
  2. 8. A function f is ______ if f(x) = f(−x) for all x in the domain
  3. 9. (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
  4. 11. Mass of the object times its velocity
  5. 12. ∀a,â∈A, a≠â then f(a)≠f(â)
  6. 13. a1 = 1a = a
  7. 16. a⋅b=│a││b│cosθ
  8. 18. A function f is _______ with period X if f(x) = f(x + X) for all x in the domain
  9. 19. F= -kΔx
  10. 20. λ(a + b) = λa + λb
  1. 1. The energy an object has due to its motion
  2. 3. ∀b∈B, Ǝa∈A:f(a)=b
  3. 4. │a+b│≤│a│+│b│
  4. 5. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction
  5. 6. A numerical property of a population is called a _______
  6. 7. F=(mv^2)/r
  7. 10. 'Assume result is true for an arbitrary value n = k.'
  8. 14. If y0(x0) = 0 and y''(x0) < 0, then y(x) has a local _______ at x0.
  9. 15. A numerical property of a sample is called a _______
  10. 17. As n→∞ 1/n _______ to 0