
  1. 3. a letter or symbol that represents a number
  2. 6. symbol for addition
  3. 7. the top number in a fraction
  4. 9. quadrant, the points (–4,–8) lies in.........
  5. 10. cube, a rational number whose cube root is a whole number
  6. 12. a math sentence without an equal sign
  7. 14. a one-termed polynomial is a ______________.
  8. 16. symbol for subtraction
  9. 18. the bottom number in a fraction
  10. 19. number, a number that can expressed in p/q form
  11. 20. of a term, in a term the sum of the exponents on the variables is the __________________________.
  1. 1. a symbol that shows an operation
  2. 2. point (0, –5) lies on.........
  3. 4. square, a rational number whose square root is a whole number
  4. 5. an________________ is a mathematical statement that says two expressions are equal.
  5. 8. numbers along with variables and the product of numbers and variables are all_______________.
  6. 10. a mathematical expression whose powers are whole numbers
  7. 11. polynomial, degree of a polynomial is 2
  8. 13. the numerical factor multiplied by variable in the term
  9. 15. number, a number that can't be expressed in p/q form
  10. 17. highest power of the polynomial