
  1. 3. A line in the same plane as the circle which intersects the circle in exactly on point
  2. 6. A portion of a circle defined by two endpoints
  3. 8. My sides are parallel and of equal lengths and i am also called a diamond
  4. 9. A line that intersects two or more other lines.
  5. 11. I have 2 sets of parallel sides but of different lengths and all my angles are equal
  6. 12. a cuboid whose length and breadths are equal
  1. 1. the theorem that relates the three sides of a triangle
  2. 2. My Greek name is "hex"
  3. 4. the study of the relationship between the angles and the sides of a triangle
  4. 5. Lines that never intersect
  5. 7. a solid bounded by 6 rectangular faces
  6. 10. the measure of a occupied space by a solid is called
  7. 12. 1/3 pi "r square"is the volume of