
  1. 2. The answer produced by subtraction is called what?
  2. 3. The point furthest from the base of an object is referred to as what?
  3. 5. A shape that looks like a flattened circle is called what?
  4. 7. The amount of space inside the boundaries of a two-dimensional object is called what?
  5. 8. What is the mathematical term for takeaway?
  6. 12. What type of operation essentially repeatedly adds numbers?
  7. 14. What is a line that divides a circle in half called?
  8. 16. The measure of how much matter is in an object is called its what?
  9. 17. The number used to divide by is called what?
  10. 18. What is half of a sphere called?
  1. 1. A line that goes from one corner to another is called what?
  2. 3. What is the mathematical term for combining two or more things?
  3. 4. What is an object with six sides called?
  4. 6. First, outer, inner, last refers to what?
  5. 9. An angle that is less than ninety degrees is called what?
  6. 10. Splitting things into equal groups is called what?
  7. 11. A number that combines a whole number and a fraction is what?
  8. 13. The sum divided by the count is called what?
  9. 15. What is another word for basic math?