  1. 2. One of the simplest way of solving a equation.
  2. 8. a method that needs a scale, pencil and a sheet with small squares.
  3. 10. The process of checking if something's done right or wrong.
  4. 12. When the lines of the equations become parallel, i.e having no solutions.
  1. 1. When the lines of the equations coincide, resulting in infinitely many solutions.
  2. 3. Answer.
  3. 4. An algebraic expression with an equal to sign.
  4. 5. Mostly the nicknames of X and Y, but other alphabets can be called it too.
  5. 6. Meaning a set of two, but not couples.
  6. 7. This method requires one to make one of the terms from the 2 equations, equal.
  7. 9. The smallest thing one can draw on a graph sheet.
  8. 11. The term given to the scenario when 2 lines meet at a specific point on the graph sheet.