
  1. 4. A line segment that connects two nonadjacent vertices in a polygon.
  2. 5. The likelihood of an event happening; often expressed as a fraction or decimal.
  3. 8. Having the same size and shape; a property of geometric figures.
  4. 9. Lines or segments that intersect at a 90-degree angle.
  5. 11. A number that indicates how many times another number (the base) is used as a factor.
  6. 13. A number less than zero.
  7. 15. A pair of values that locate a point on a plane.
  1. 1. An equation stating that two ratios are equal.
  2. 2. The measurement of the space between two lines that meet at a point.
  3. 3. Mathematical statements that show that two expressions are equal.
  4. 5. A flat, two-dimensional surface.
  5. 6. Mathematical actions like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  6. 7. The distance around the edge of a circle.
  7. 10. Relating to mathematical expressions and equations containing variables.
  8. 12. An expression consisting of variables and coefficients, involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
  9. 14. A number greater than 1 that has only two positive divisors: 1 and itself.