
  1. 3. A circle divided in half
  2. 6. When a sector’s angle is more than 180° it is known as a ...... sector.
  3. 7. The Boundary Of the circle
  4. 9. A made up particular form
  5. 11. A circle divided in 4 pieces
  6. 12. A line running from a point in the circumference to another.
  7. 13. A point where two lines meet to form an angle
  8. 14. The space inside the shape
  9. 15. a figure which is formed by two rays or lines that shares a common endpoint
  10. 16. The boundary of a shape
  1. 1. A shape that has three or more sides
  2. 2. When two radii’s divide a circle it is known as a sector is formed.
  3. 4. When a sector’s angel is less that 180° it is known as a ...... sector.
  4. 5. An angle that is formed inside a polygon
  5. 8. An angle that is formed outside a polygon
  6. 10. An irrational decimal number
  7. 17. Half of the Diameter