- 1. If a curve does not cross it self then it is called as ___ curve
- 4. The amount of surface enclosed by a closed figure is called its
- 9. The distance around a circle is its
- 10. What determines Location
- 11. A line segment is a fixed portion of a
- 12. The interior of curve together with its boundary is called
- 14. The comparison of two same quantities is known as the
- 15. An arc is a portion of circle
- 18. A region in the interior of a circle enclosed by a chord and an arc is called
- 19. The Branch of Mathematics in which we studied numbers is
- 20. The Branch of Mathematics in which we studied shapes is
- 2. If two lines have one common point they are called ____ Lines
- 3. Lines which do not meet are said to be ___ lines
- 5. A region in the interior of a circle enclosed by an arc on one side and a pair of randii on the other two sides is called
- 6. Three sided polygon
- 7. A four sided polygon is a
- 8. The line segments forming a polygon are called
- 13. If two ratios are equal, it is called they are in ________
- 16. The meeting point of a pair of sides is called its
- 17. The Method in which first we find the value of one unit and then value of required number of unit is known as __ Method