
  1. 2. polynomial having 3 terms.
  2. 3. a non-zero constant polynomial has ____.
  3. 6. (divisor*qoutient)+remainder.
  4. 7. 2+x^2+x;the coefficient of x^2.
  5. 8. The degree of a non-zero constant polynomial.
  6. 10. the remainder of 3x^2+x-1 by x+1.
  7. 13. the polynomial with degree as one.
  1. 1. the method used to factorise an equation.
  2. 4. A polynomial having 2 terms.
  3. 5. every real number is a zero of the_______.
  4. 9. the exponent of the polynomial.
  5. 11. 5x^3+4x^2+7x;the degree of this polynomial.
  6. 12. No of polynomials based on terms.
  7. 14. ___ is the root of polynomial equation p(x)=0.