Maths Class 4

  1. 2. The best unit of measuring area is __________
  2. 6. Fractions having different denominators are called __________ fractions
  3. 9. fractions which express the same part of a whole but have different names are called _____fractions
  4. 10. Empty or full objects of same size and shape size have the ______ volume.
  5. 11. amount of space occupied by a solid
  6. 14. – The best unit to measure volume is _________
  7. 15. The length of boundary of a closed figure is called ____ the perimeter of the closed figure.
  1. 1. The measure of surface enclosed by a closed figure is called ______
  2. 3. Circle is a ______ figure.
  3. 4. value of a _____ fraction is always less than 1.
  4. 5. Perimeter of a triangle is _____ of three sides.
  5. 7. Numerator > Denominator
  6. 8. Volume of cuboid is length X breadth X _____
  7. 12. – U is an open figure.
  8. 13. fractions having 1 in the numerator are called _____ fractions.