maths crossword

  1. 2. probability of impossible event
  2. 3. distance of a point from y-axis
  3. 5. ,number of criteria to prove two triangles as similar
  4. 9. surface area , 2(l+b)h is ________ of cuboid
  5. 10. value 3.14 is
  6. 11. frequency , frequency used for more than and less than ogive graphs
  7. 13. , area of four quadrants =
  8. 16. a quadratic polynomial has how many zeroes
  9. 17. how many trigonometric ratios are there
  10. 19. , number of cards in a deck
  11. 22. sum of probabilities of all elementary events of an event
  12. 24. of integers ,euclid's division lemma has to do with
  13. 26. formula 3 median = mode+ 2 mean
  14. 27. and cone , shape of ice cream cone includes ___and ___ figures
  15. 29. defined ,value of tan 90
  16. 31. , more than and less than ogive are used to find out ______ of data
  17. 32. ( x,0) lies on which axis
  18. 34. median mode, 3 measures of central tendency
  19. 35. real roots , when discriminant>0
  1. 1. line which intersects circle at two points
  2. 4. meaning of greek letter sigma
  3. 6. sum of all angles in a triangle
  4. 7. pair of lines which are inconsistent
  5. 8. term ,a+(n-1)d gives
  6. 12. line drawn from eye of observer to given object
  7. 14. polynomial , polynomial of degree 3 is called
  8. 15. shape of a bucket
  9. 18. max number of secants drawn in a circle
  10. 20. number of quadrants in a graph
  11. 21. of depression , the case when we lower our head to look at the object
  12. 23. ,what determines if a quadratic equation has real roots or not
  13. 25. the sum or difference of a rational and irrational number is
  14. 28. AP, AP which is not finite
  15. 30. , how many methods are there to solve a pair of linear equations
  16. 33. ,maximum number of parallel tangents of a circle