Maths crossword

  1. 7. A polynomial consisting of 1 term.
  2. 10. The line drawn from the eye of an observer to a point in the object where the person is viewing.
  3. 11. A three sided polygon.
  4. 14. Cos(90-A)=
  5. 16. The magic subject.
  6. 17. (A+B)²
  7. 18. Indian manual of geometrical construction.
  8. 19. The angle formed by the line of sight with the horizontal when the object is below the horizontal level.
  9. 20. The branch of maths that deals with relation between sides of triangles and angles.
  1. 1. The corresponding number of a given logarithm.
  2. 2. If the right circular cone is cut off by a plane parallel to its base,then the portion of the cone between the cutting plane and the base of the cone.
  3. 3. Origin word is per centrum.
  4. 4. An equation whose general formula is ax²+bx+c=0,where a,b,c are real numbers and a is not equal to 0.
  5. 5. Number of tangent which can be drawn from a point lying outside a circle.
  6. 6. The system used to describe the position of a point in a plane.
  7. 8. The angle formed by the line of sight with the horizontal when the object is above the horizontal level.
  8. 9. Area of study dealing with the presentation,analysis and interpretation of data.
  9. 12. A part of a equation or expression having the same value all the time.
  10. 13. Under root -1 is a _______.
  11. 15. A polynomial of degree three.