Maths Crossword

  1. 1. The smallest 2 digit composite number
  2. 2. 6 squared
  3. 4. Sarah has 2346 Christmas trees to transport to Liverpool. Her vans can carry 5 trees each. How many vans does she need?
  4. 5. Smallest 2 digit prime number
  5. 8. 56700 divided by 10
  6. 10. What is the missing number in the sequence? 43.5, 435, 4350, _______, 435000
  7. 11. 72 x 4
  8. 13. Find the missing number 240 = 6 x ______
  9. 14. The largest 2 digit multiple of 12
  10. 15. What is the 4 worth in the number 324500?
  11. 16. The second largest factor of 45
  1. 1. 9846 divided by 6
  2. 3. The largest factor of 97
  3. 4. The area of rectangle A
  4. 6. Estimate 489 x 3
  5. 7. 7.63 x 100
  6. 9. 8 squared x 7
  7. 10. Estimate 6123 x 7
  8. 12. Eighty seven thousand, six hundred and forty five
  9. 16. The perimeter of rectangle A