Maths Crossword

  1. 2. Finding out the total of a 3-Dimensional shape.
  2. 4. Base angles in a triangle are the same.
  3. 8. Minimum of two terms containing numbers or variables and connected by an operator.
  4. 11. It's a single expression or with a single variable.
  5. 12. A number smaller than 1 with a denominator and a numerator.
  6. 14. A chance of something happening.
  7. 16. A set of Maths we use to write with letters, symbols and numbers, such as 2x+1=23.
  8. 17. Used in algebra which uses to letters to represent amount which can be changed. This can be used to solve certain algebra.
  9. 18. You use a semi-circle Maths equipment to measure this.
  10. 19. The area around a 2D shape.
  1. 1. A pattern between numbers which can be found out by using nth term.
  2. 3. You move a shape by using vectors enclosed in brackets(A transformation).
  3. 5. Finding the measurement of a circle.
  4. 6. A mirror line is needed to flip a shape in either direction.
  5. 7. 2D shapes with a different name which all the sides are fully closed.
  6. 9. Has 5 letters, starts with R and ends in O.
  7. 10. This shape has a total of 180 degrees inside.
  8. 13. You use tracing paper to move a shape by any angle.
  9. 15. Making a shape bigger by an specific amount.
  10. 20. Algebra where you can solve and find out variables.