Maths Crossword

  1. 2. A corner of a 3d shape
  2. 6. Two lines that intersect at a right angle are...
  3. 7. Multiplying a number by another number
  4. 8. A math language
  5. 10. Finding the amount of times one number can fit in another larger number
  6. 12. The average
  7. 13. The edge of a 3d shape
  8. 14. angle A 90 degree angle is called a?
  9. 16. Two lines directly next to each other
  10. 18. An exact location
  11. 19. A shape with 6 equal sides
  12. 20. An angle that is less than 90 degrees is...
  1. 1. Removing an amount from another number
  2. 3. A shape wherein all sides are equal length
  3. 4. A line that is 180 degrees and face upwards is...
  4. 5. The difference between the smallest and largest number
  5. 8. A way to solve a question
  6. 9. Adding a number to another number
  7. 11. An angle that is more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees is...
  8. 15. The middle number in a group
  9. 17. The most occurring number