  1. 1. Line segment whose end points are on circle
  2. 4. The pair of equations x + 2y + 5 = 0 and –3x – 6y + 1 = 0 have__ solution
  3. 8. All ___ triangles are similar
  4. 11. When probability is sure to occur as 1 is__ event
  5. 12. If an event cannot occur, then its probability is
  6. 13. The probability of event equal to zero is called__ event
  7. 14. Points A (9, 0), B (9, 6), C (–9, 6) and D (–9, 0) form
  8. 16. total outcomes for 3 coins
  9. 18. The graph of quadratic polynomial intersect x-axis at most____ points
  10. 19. Distance covered by traveling once around a circle is its
  1. 2. The distance of a point from x-axis is called
  2. 3. The degree of the polynomial, x^4 – x^2 +2 is
  3. 5. The sum of the probabilities of all the elementary events of an experiment is
  4. 6. Region enclosed between a chord and corresponding arc
  5. 7. Event having one outcome
  6. 9. The distance of the point (2,3) from x-axis is
  7. 10. The y coordinate of a point on x-axis is
  8. 15. If all the zeros of cubic polynomial x^3 ax^2-bx+c are negative then a,b,c have _____ sign
  9. 17. If a pair of linear equations is consistent, then the lines are: