Maths Crossword

  1. 5. 3.25x4
  2. 8. the order of operations
  3. 9. double an eighth
  4. 12. A straight line that passes through the centre from side to side
  5. 15. the same direction as clock hands
  6. 16. 14x6
  7. 17. The perimeter of a circle
  8. 18. the comparison between two values a:b
  9. 20. Having the same length, value or quantity etc.
  1. 1. A mid value in an ordered set of numbers
  2. 2. One hundredth of a metre
  3. 3. A shape with eight equal sides
  4. 4. Half of a diameter
  5. 5. 108 divided by 4
  6. 6. A plane figure with at least three straight sides and angles, mostly five or more
  7. 7. A solid figure with ten plane faces
  8. 10. Round 734 to the nearest hundred
  9. 11. the amount of space occupied by an object
  10. 13. Round 76 to the nearest ten
  11. 14. thousandth of a kilogram
  12. 19. a number if below zero