Maths Crossword

  1. 4. 10 divided by half
  2. 6. Vertices on a cuboid
  3. 8. a-3=2
  4. 9. Square number
  5. 13. 6 sided shape
  6. 14. 30% of 180
  7. 15. Opposite sides of dice add to
  8. 18. Number of sides on five triangles
  1. 1. eight squared minus two squared
  2. 2. square of three
  3. 3. 1000 x 1000
  4. 5. Multiple of Ten
  5. 6. biggest factor of 20 and 30
  6. 7. 20% of 40
  7. 9. 3x-4=14
  8. 10. Even Prime
  9. 11. probability adds to
  10. 12. pi to nearest whole number
  11. 16. 2x=22
  12. 17. prime number