Maths Crossword!

  1. 2. Sign used in subtraction
  2. 5. Amount of space taken by 3D shapes
  3. 9. Longer dimension of a rectangle
  4. 10. Three-sided shape
  5. 11. Mathematician who found the theorem a² + b² = c²
  6. 12. Nine-sided shape
  7. 15. Get rid of the surd in the denominator
  8. 16. Means multiplication
  9. 17. Positive or negative whole number
  10. 18. Sign used in addition
  11. 19. Get rid of the brackets
  1. 1. Adjective used to describe a leading question
  2. 3. Three-sided shape having two equal sides
  3. 4. Take away
  4. 6. Means Triangles measurement in Greek
  5. 7. Seven-sided shape
  6. 8. angle greater than 90 degrees but less than 180
  7. 13. An angle measuring less than 90 degrees
  8. 14. Put the brackets back in
  9. 16. Approximately equal to 3.14