Maths Crossword

  1. 1. ______ Trials is an experiment in which a single action, such as flipping a coin, is repeated identically over and over
  2. 2. The product of a given integer and all smaller positive integers
  3. 3. German word for number
  4. 4. A graph of paired data in which the data values are plotted as (x, y) points
  5. 5. The point at which the three (possibly extended) altitudes of a triangle intersect
  6. 8. Two similar ways of indicating direction
  7. 10. A sharp point on a curve
  8. 12. A U-shaped curve
  9. 14. A flat surface extending in all directions
  10. 15. The number , or 1 followed by a googol number of zeros
  11. 17. ______ is a solution of a simplified version of an equation that does not satisfy the original equation
  12. 18. A curve shaped like a spring
  13. 19. The horizontal line drawn as part of a fraction or radical
  1. 1. A cycloid hanging downwards
  2. 6. To cover a plane with identically shaped pieces which do not overlap or leave blank spaces
  3. 7. A polygon with eleven sides
  4. 9. The region between two concentric circles which have different radii
  5. 10. A line segment, ray, or line that extends from a vertex of a triangle to the opposite side
  6. 11. Study of change
  7. 13. The line segment from the center of a regular polygon to the midpoint of a side
  8. 16. ______ is a technique for finding the volume of a solid of revolution