Maths Crossword

  1. 2. another term for factorize
  2. 3. a yearly basis
  3. 4. to increase in size
  4. 5. a number which is not a fraction,a whole number
  5. 7. to make smaller
  6. 9. a deduction from the usual cost of something
  7. 10. an arithmetical problem,
  8. 12. close to the actual but not exact
  9. 14. a number or quantity that when multiplied by itself, typically a specified number of times, gives a specified number or quantity
  10. 16. a period of 10 years
  11. 17. take away from another to calculate the difference
  12. 18. a period of 100 years
  1. 1. money paid at a particular rate for money lent
  2. 2. a numerical quantity that is not a whole number
  3. 6. A proportion or amount in a hundred
  4. 8. The number above the line in a fraction
  5. 11. a period of two weeks
  6. 13. find a numerical expression for a formula
  7. 15. comprising the whole number or amount.
  8. 19. a measure,quantity,or frequency measured against another measure.