Maths crossword

  1. 1. Numbers less than 0 are called ______ numbers
  2. 2. A shape
  3. 6. Four sided shape
  4. 8. Making a number smaller
  5. 11. 10 to the power of a Google
  6. 15. The third prime number
  7. 16. Three squared
  8. 18. The square root of 10000
  9. 19. A quadrilateral with two sides the same
  10. 21. the biggest number
  1. 1. The number where Celcius and Farenhiet are the same
  2. 3. Squashed square
  3. 4. Times
  4. 5. The use of letters in place of numbers
  5. 7. 5 squared
  6. 9. 90 degrees
  7. 10. Has a total interior angle of 520 degrees
  8. 12. A triangle with no equal sides
  9. 13. 1,1,2,3,5,8,13 are all ________ numbers
  10. 14. The first 2 digit number
  11. 17. the number in the middle of all numbers
  12. 20. Making a number bigger