Maths Crossword

  1. 2. A 3d object shaped like a ball.
  2. 3. To place things into like order.
  3. 6. To share something into groups.
  4. 12. To make something bigger
  5. 14. to work something out.
  6. 15. Another word for multiply.
  7. 18. A vertical arrangement of figures.
  8. 19. At right angles to the horizon.
  9. 22. A part of a whole.
  10. 23. Once every year.
  11. 24. One of our numerals.
  12. 25. Turn something over on one edge.
  1. 1. 60 minutes.
  2. 2. A very short amount of time.
  3. 4. Based on the number 10.
  4. 5. Not equal.
  5. 7. Another name for width.
  6. 8. To rotate.
  7. 9. A reduction in money.
  8. 10. a measure of size.
  9. 11. A hundred years.
  10. 13. To make smaller.
  11. 16. 12 dozen.
  12. 17. The middle.
  13. 20. The distance from end to end.
  14. 21. To count how many there are.
  15. 22. How big an object is.
  16. 24. 12 things together.
  17. 26. Another word for add.