Maths Crossword

  1. 1. 1000 kilograms
  2. 4. the least amout
  3. 7. once every year
  4. 8. has six sides
  5. 9. has three sides
  6. 13. a part of a group
  7. 15. a measure used for liquid
  8. 16. how hot or cold a thing is
  9. 17. two things
  10. 19. a picture used to describe something
  11. 20. 3D object shaped like a ball
  12. 22. an instrument that tells us direction
  13. 25. share into even groups
  14. 26. twelve things
  15. 27. how fast something is moving
  1. 1. has three sides
  2. 2. the same
  3. 3. has four strait sides
  4. 5. a mesure of legnth
  5. 6. to work something out
  6. 10. half of one hundred
  7. 11. to make something bigger
  8. 12. comes before everything
  9. 14. first shape with double digits
  10. 18. to join things together
  11. 21. objects in a horizontal line
  12. 23. a part of a whole
  13. 24. to make smaller