Maths Crossword

  1. 1. a value for the variable that makes an equation true
  2. 4. fraction with one or more variables in the numerator or denominators
  3. 13. a place holder for any value
  4. 14. the second number of an ordered pair
  5. 15. finding the numerical value of an expression
  6. 17. an example that shows a conjecture is not true
  7. 18. an equation that contains a variable
  8. 19. it is formed by the intersection of two numbers lines that meet at right angles at their zero points
  9. 20. the point at which the number lines intersect in a coordinate plane
  1. 2. it is reasoning based on a patterns of examples or past events
  2. 3. the set of all the x-coordinates of an ordered pair
  3. 5. an educated guess
  4. 6. a dot at the point that corresponds to an ordered pair on a coordinate plane
  5. 7. a graph that shows relationship between two sets of data
  6. 8. the set of all the y-coordinates from each ordered pair
  7. 9. reasoning the process of using facts, properties, or rules to justify reasoning or reach valid conclusions
  8. 10. the first number of an ordered pair
  9. 11. statements that are true for any numbers
  10. 12. a mathematical sentence that contains an equal sign
  11. 16. set of ordered pairs