Maths Remedial

  1. 6. 4 sided polygon
  2. 7. how many minutes is half past 12.
  3. 8. 750 + 930 + 411
  4. 10. 464 436 x 24
  5. 12. milk carton measrement
  6. 13. how many ml in 3.5l
  7. 15. days in a year
  8. 17. 690 x 15
  1. 1. : to: 45 minutes past 10
  2. 2. ancient instrument of time.
  3. 3. 2D- shape ;all sides equal
  4. 4. 8 sided shape
  5. 5. 1 000 litres
  6. 8. 452 x 6
  7. 9. How many months in 8 years
  8. 11. how many minutes in an hour?
  9. 13. complete the pattern 3560; 3570; _______
  10. 14. : 337 70 391 + 25 946
  11. 15. 681 54 340 - 21 659
  12. 16. how many centuries in 500 years?