Maths revision

  1. 4. the most common
  2. 7. an amount taken off in a special offer
  3. 10. will definitely not happen
  4. 11. will probably happen
  5. 12. one amount compared to another
  6. 14. will definitely happen
  7. 16. guess
  8. 19. number of mm in a cm
  9. 20. one thousand millilitres
  10. 23. going up
  11. 24. average
  1. 1. 25% is the same as a
  2. 2. even chance of happening
  3. 3. the distance round the outside of the shape
  4. 5. a 3D shape with six faces
  5. 6. one thousand metres
  6. 7. going down
  7. 8. out of one hundred
  8. 9. length x width x height
  9. 13. length times width of a square or rectangle would give you its
  10. 15. 50% is the same as a
  11. 17. 3.2 hours is 3 hours and .... minutes
  12. 18. will probably not happen
  13. 21. the highest minus the lowest
  14. 22. the relation between the real size of something and its size on a map