maths symp 2

  1. 2. a special case of cassini oval which is used in general maths
  2. 3. A 3D geometric shape with 12 flat faces, 20 vertices and 30 edges
  3. 5. Algebraic expression with two terms
  4. 8. having a definite end
  5. 12. middle number in a data set
  6. 15. hidden world within a space
  7. 17. The region enclosed by a curve and the x-axis, often calculated using integrals
  8. 19. A graphical representation of data distribution
  9. 21. quantities with magnitude and direction
  10. 22. A straight line that touches a curve at two points
  11. 23. The ratio of the vertical change to the horizontal change between two points in the line
  12. 24. A possible result of an experiment of an event
  13. 25. Straight line approached but never touches the curve
  14. 27. A straight line within a circle
  1. 1. A three-dimensional analog of a polygon
  2. 4. Who is the father of geometry
  3. 6. A prime number that's one less than a power of 2
  4. 7. A type of integral with specific limits of integration
  5. 9. one-to-one and onto correspondence between two sets
  6. 10. mathematical study of slopes, areas and rates of change
  7. 11. measure of data spread from the mean
  8. 12. Mathematical structure that abstracts the notion of independence and dependence among elements in the set
  9. 13. opposite sides are parallel and equal
  10. 14. A subset of a population used to make inferences about the entire group
  11. 16. The branch of maths which deals with surface properties
  12. 18. A numerical or constant factor in an algebraic term
  13. 20. The relationship between elements of one set and the elements of another set
  14. 26. systematic explanation of a phenomenon