maths terms

  1. 4. opposite to negative
  2. 5. has a diameter and radius
  3. 7. the most common number from a set of numbers
  4. 11. a core subject involving numbers
  5. 15. short for lowest common multiple
  6. 16. the average of a set of numbers
  7. 17. opposite to multiply
  8. 18. a letter used in algebra to represent a number
  9. 21. difference between biggest and smallest value
  10. 23. (4,3,4) a type of graph
  11. 24. the middle number of a ranked set of numbers
  12. 25. to remove brackets
  13. 27. has only two factors, itself and 1
  14. 28. shows a relationship using two axes
  1. 1. opposite to add
  2. 2. found by multiplying length by height by depth
  3. 3. opposite to positive
  4. 6. the distance around the edge of a circle
  5. 8. 3 sided figure
  6. 9. a number that will divide into another number
  7. 10. opposite to divide
  8. 12. opposite to subtract
  9. 13. short for highest common factor
  10. 14. joining up two points on a graph
  11. 19. often measured in kg
  12. 20. using pro-numerals to represent numbers
  13. 22. whole number that can be positive or negative
  14. 23. 4 sides of same length
  15. 26. the number of times a number is multiplied by itself