maths terms

  1. 2. a statistical graph for displaying the frequency distribution of continuous data.
  2. 4. an ordered collection of objects or numbers. Rectangular arrays are commonly used in primary mathematics.
  3. 7. effective way of identifying outliers in a data set is to graph the data.
  4. 8. to be a possible outlier.
  5. 12. a quadrilateral whose opposite sides are parallel.
  6. 15. histogram is a graphical representation of the information contained in a frequency table. In a histogram, class frequencies
  7. 16. example, 10 is 8 and 2. In later years it refers to dividing both continuous and discrete quantities into equal parts.
  8. 17. 5 cmInterquartileRange a measure of the spread within a numerical data set. It is equal to the upper quartile (Q3) minus
  1. 1. fraction a fraction in which both the numerator and denominator are algebraic expressions.
  2. 2. when the class intervals are all of equal width.
  3. 3. lower quartiles (Q1); that is, IQR = Q3 – Q1
  4. 5. both) as a sum and then multiplying each part of the sum by the other number (or each part of its sum.)
  5. 6. represented by the areas of rectangles centred on each class interval. The class frequency is proportional to the rectangle’s
  6. 9. of the products of the first number with each of the others. This means that we can multiply two numbers by expressing one
  7. 10. Multiplication of numbers is distributive over addition because the product of one number with the sum of two others equals the
  8. 11. an attempt to collect information about the whole population.
  9. 12. Dividing a quantity into parts. In the early years it commonly refers to the ability to think about numbers as made up of two parts,
  10. 13. a data value that appears to stand out from the other members of the data set by being unusually high or low. The
  11. 14. A quadrilateral with all sides equal.