
  1. 2. angle of 360 degrees
  2. 4. when x=0
  3. 9. flipping the fraction that is being multiplied
  4. 10. a^2 + b^2 = c^2
  5. 11. b^2-4ac
  6. 13. the negative sign before x^2 reflects the parabolas in the x-axis
  7. 14. is the list of favourable outcomes
  8. 15. rise over run
  9. 16. are rectangles with equal length sides
  10. 17. have the same gradient
  11. 19. Pr(AUB) = Pr(A)+ Pr(B)= Pr(A and B)
  12. 20. has the same shape but different size
  13. 23. when you divide something
  14. 26. image divided by original
  15. 27. sum of 180 degres
  16. 31. angle more than 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees
  17. 32. egually opposite angles
  18. 40. involves writing expressions as a product of factors
  19. 41. when you add something
  20. 43. side angle side
  21. 44. involves adding any interest earned to the balance at the end of each
  22. 45. when you times something
  23. 47. when y=0
  24. 48. angle less than 90 degrees
  1. 1. is the graph of a quadratic relation
  2. 3. is supplementary to an interior angle
  3. 5. the value, k, shifts, the parabola up or down.
  4. 6. have an angle sum given by S=180(n-2)
  5. 7. are parallelograms with all angles 90degrees
  6. 8. a number written in the usual way, not in scientific
  7. 12. angles are equal
  8. 14. is calculated in the same way as theoretical probability
  9. 18. when you minus something
  10. 20. digits in a number counted from left to right from the first non-zero digit
  11. 21. right hypotenuse side
  12. 22. an irrational number
  13. 24. is a single experiment such as a single toss
  14. 25. Side side side
  15. 28. the mathematics of chance
  16. 29. (n-2)180
  17. 30. contains a variable x
  18. 33. sum of 90 degrees
  19. 34. are quadrilaterals with two pairs of parallel sides
  20. 35. a number written in the form a x 10^m
  21. 36. the value, a before x^2 dilates the parabola from x-axis
  22. 37. numerator over denominator
  23. 38. law used to expand brackets
  24. 39. angle angle side
  25. 42. is the list of outcomes from an experiment
  26. 46. is a possible result from an experiment