
  1. 1. 3.14159265
  2. 3. angle smaller than 90 degrees
  3. 5. 1/2
  4. 6. below the numerator
  5. 8. The solution to an addition equation
  6. 10. the distance around an object
  7. 13. the average
  8. 14. 3:4
  9. 15. lines or shapes that are equal to each other
  1. 1. a^2 + b^2 = c^2
  2. 2. 1.2
  3. 4. 34%
  4. 6. the width of a circle
  5. 7. centremetres, kilometres
  6. 9. above the denominator
  7. 11. 90 degree angle
  8. 12. space inside a shape