
  1. 1. Which number is a factor of every number?
  2. 3. HCF of 24 and 10
  3. 4. The smallest two-digit prime number
  4. 8. The number of prime numbers between one to hundred.
  5. 9. The number of prime numbers between 70 to 80
  6. 11. Round off 25 to the nearest 10.
  7. 12. The sum of the HCF and LCM of 10 and 5.
  8. 15. Are all prime numbers odd?
  9. 16. The smallest whole number
  1. 2. The sum of the LCM and HCF of 21 and 28.
  2. 3. How many natural numbers are there between 10 and 22?
  3. 5. 12 x ____= 192
  4. 6. HCF of 32 and 28.
  5. 7. LCM of 21 and 12
  6. 10. LCM of 10 and 12
  7. 13. HCF of 56 and 48
  8. 14. A farmer has 17 sheep and all but 9 die. How many are left?