
  1. 2. A theorem in geometry the square of the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle equals the sum of the squares of the other two sides
  2. 4. A graph used to look at continuous data
  3. 6. Numbers that read the same forwards and backwards
  4. 8. Having to sides be equal and look the same
  5. 11. Dealing with the relations between sides and angles of triangles
  6. 12. The inside area of a shape
  1. 1. The likely-hood of something happening
  2. 3. Where letters and other symbols are used to represent numbers
  3. 5. A two dimensional shape that has a length and width and is made when to line segments enclose a region
  4. 7. The area of a circle
  5. 9. When all sides in a shape are equal
  6. 10. a number written as a three digit number measured from the north that goes in a clockwise direction