
  1. 4. A substance consisting of only one type of atom
  2. 8. The attraction between molecules
  3. 10. A measure of randomness
  4. 12. Another name for solution
  5. 14. Gas has a definite
  6. 15. a ________ property of matter which can be observed using your senses
  7. 16. Created by heating a gas
  8. 18. The sticking together of particles of the same substance
  9. 19. In observing a ________ property the original substance is changed
  10. 21. Ions dissolved in water that produce an electric current
  1. 1. A substance consisting of 2 or more elements that are chemically combined
  2. 2. two or more substances physically combined
  3. 3. ______ tension which makes a belly flop hurt
  4. 5. Made up of different components
  5. 6. Takes the shape of the container, medium entropy and has a definite volume and mass
  6. 7. Smallest unit of an element
  7. 9. ______ solids have particles that are arranged in a geometric pattern
  8. 11. _______ solids are arranged without any pattern
  9. 13. the resistance to flow
  10. 17. Anything that has mass and takes up space
  11. 20. Smallest unit of a compound
  12. 22. Has a definite shape, particles are tightly packed and has low entropy