
  1. 2. It shows how many atoms of each element are in a substance.
  2. 4. Elements are made up of the same atoms and can’t be broken down into a simpler substance.
  3. 6. The point when a liquid turns to a gas.
  4. 7. Has definite shape and volume.
  5. 9. A mixture that is the same throughout (no layers).
  6. 10. Molecules of two or more different elements that are chemically bonded together.
  7. 13. A mixture that is not the same throughout (will see layers).
  8. 14. It's how compact the atoms are held together, and its calculated using mass divided by volume.
  9. 16. Air is colorless (they are often easy to observe.)
  10. 18. The study of the composition, structure, and properties of matter and the changes that matter undergoes.
  11. 19. Magnesium is so reactive that its used to make emergency flares, light bulbs are filled with argon gas it’s not reactive.
  12. 20. Has no definite shape or volume.
  13. 21. Two or more atoms that are connected by chemical bonds.
  14. 22. The point when a liquid turns to a solid.
  1. 1. Anything that has mass and occupies space.
  2. 3. Iron rusting.
  3. 5. Two or more substances that are mixed together but not chemically bound together.
  4. 8. The basic unit of matter and define the structure of elements.
  5. 11. The point when a solid turns to a liquid.
  6. 12. Matter that has a fixed composition and definite properties.
  7. 15. Water evaporates.
  8. 17. Has definite volume but not definite shape.