
  1. 5. The smallest single neutral particle that makes up all life.
  2. 6. H2O
  3. 8. the relative average of all isotopes of an element.
  4. 12. An experiment took place in which microscopes picked up where the positively charged alpha particle rays went when directed at a thin piece of gold.
  5. 13. positively charged subatomic particle
  6. 14. the name of the outermost shell in an atoms electron configuration
  7. 15. the center of an atom that contains the dna, protons and neutrons
  8. 17. Two or more atoms bonded together.
  9. 18. a charge that electrons have
  10. 20. an ion that has lost electrons
  11. 23. the rows of the periodic table
  12. 24. JJ created a model of an atom where the electrons are scattered in a mass of positively charged nucleus replicating a plum pudding.
  1. 1. negatively charged subatomic particle
  2. 2. a charge that protons have
  3. 3. the different types of atoms of an element that contains different amounts of neutrons.
  4. 4. the number of protons and electrons added together.
  5. 5. the number of protons, electrons and place in the periodic table
  6. 7. John's atomic theory consisted of, all gas has weight, atoms are the smallest particle, simple multiple proportion, elements combine into molecules of simple ratios, elements join together to form compounds, water always contains twice as much hydrogen as oxygen, when chemicals react with each other the total mass of the chemicals does not change, pure oxygen has the same properties wherever it is found on the Earth or in space, gases some of which are invisible, have mass and different gases have different masses, modern microscopes produce images of surfaces that look bumpy
  7. 9. a configuration of rings in which the electrons are placed,
  8. 10. the columns of the periodic table
  9. 11. an atom that has gained or lost an electron
  10. 16. a neutrally charged subatomic particle
  11. 19. A pure substance consisting of one type of atom.
  12. 21. an ion that has gained electrons
  13. 22. Two or more different elements bonded together.