  1. 4. the amount of space something occupies
  2. 5. solid turning to gas without being liquid
  3. 8. a liquid that builds up to make ice
  4. 9. makes molecules speed up
  5. 11. solid, liquid, gas
  6. 12. weight
  7. 14. turning gas to liquid
  8. 15. a form of gas
  9. 16. solid turning to a liquid with heat
  10. 17. most basic building blocks of matter
  11. 19. takes shape of its container
  1. 1. a gas to solid without being liquid
  2. 2. something you can see
  3. 3. a group of atoms
  4. 6. anything that takes up space
  5. 7. liquid turning to solid when getting cold
  6. 9. turning liquid to gas
  7. 10. small objects like dirt
  8. 13. has no fixed shape
  9. 18. has dense shape