
  1. 4. small things that make up everything
  2. 5. what water goes through
  3. 6. small things of water
  4. 9. going from a solid to a gas
  5. 10. A change that can be reverrsed
  6. 12. how many states of matter there are
  7. 13. needed to create different states of matter.
  8. 15. If you melt a liquid it becomes a.
  9. 16. evaporated water
  10. 17. how much space an item takes up.
  1. 1. water is a.
  2. 2. matter goes through
  3. 3. how much an item ways.
  4. 5. going from vapor to a liquid
  5. 7. small things that make matter
  6. 8. a chair is a.
  7. 9. compounds make up.
  8. 11. what makes water go through a cycle
  9. 14. if you make a liquid really hot.
  10. 16. how much space an item takes up.