
  1. 5. A substance that is dissolved in a solution
  2. 6. a usually irreversible chemical reaction
  3. 8. the process by which molecules undergo the a spontaneous transition from the liquid phase to the gas phase.
  4. 9. a step or part in a series of events or actions
  5. 11. has neither independent shape nor volume but tends to expand indefinitely.
  6. 12. anything that occupies space and has mass
  7. 17. a characteristic of matter that can be observed and measured without changing the chemical identity of the sample.
  8. 18. mixtures in which one or more substances are dispersed as relatively large solid particles or liquid droplets throughout a solid, liquid, or gaseous medium.
  9. 23. the smallest unit of ordinary matter that forms a chemical element
  10. 24. group of atoms bonded together
  11. 25. a measure of the amount of matter in an object.
  12. 26. a special type of homogeneous mixture composed of two or more substances.
  13. 27. composed of many identical molecules
  14. 29. he process in which phase conversion takes place from gaseous state to solid state without passing via the liquid phase.
  15. 30. a mixture in which the composition is not uniform throughout the mixture.
  16. 32. a usually reversible change in the physical properties of a substance
  17. 34. the transition from the solid phase to the gas phase without passing through an intermediate liquid phase.
  1. 1. Condensate a state of matter in which atoms lose their individual identities and instead behave as a single entity.
  2. 2. a heterogeneous mixture of a fluid that contains solid particles sufficiently large for sedimentation.
  3. 3. a phase transition from the liquid state to the gas state
  4. 4. a characteristic of a particular substance that can be observed in a chemical reaction.
  5. 7. The periodic table has many ___
  6. 10. a sample of matter that conforms to the shape of a container in which it is held, and which acquires a defined surface in the presence of gravity
  7. 13. metallic substance composed of two or more elements, as either a compound or a solution.
  8. 14. the method in which the state of the liquid transforms into the state of the vapor.
  9. 15. a form of matter in which many of the electrons wander around freely among the nuclei of the atoms.
  10. 16. the change in the state of matter from the gas phase to the liquid phase. It is the reverse of vaporization.
  11. 19. a substance that dissolves a solute, resulting in a solution.
  12. 20. gaseous, liquid or solid mixture that has the same proportions of its components throughout a given sample.
  13. 21. the process by which a substance changes from the solid phase to the liquid phase.
  14. 22. combination of two or more chemical substances that are not chemically bonded
  15. 28. an insoluble solid that emerges from a liquid solution.
  16. 29. to cause a solute to pass into a solution.
  17. 31. The process through which a substance changes from a liquid to a solid.
  18. 33. a state of matter characterized by particles arranged such that their shape and volume are relatively stable.