
  1. 2. Boiling, freezing, dissolving, breaking, ripping, cracking, bending are all examples (two words)
  2. 3. A heterogeneous mixture with medium sized particles that do not settle over time (ex. Milk, mayonnaise, toothpaste)
  3. 5. Simplest form of matter with a unique set of properties
  4. 6. A type of mixture that is uniform in composition
  5. 11. Sublimation is an example of this heat process
  6. 12. Two or more elements chemically combined together in a specific ratio or proportion
  7. 15. In any physical or chemical change, mass cannot be created or destroyed (three words)
  8. 18. One example of a homogeneous mixture
  9. 20. Particles are far apart, move at high speeds, and have no regular arrangement
  10. 21. The changing of a substance to form a new substance (two words)
  11. 23. Phase change from a solid to a liquid
  12. 24. A thermal process that releases heat energy
  1. 1. Phase change from a liquid to a gas
  2. 4. Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin are examples (two words)
  3. 7. The amount of space an object takes up
  4. 8. Physical Combination of two or more substances
  5. 9. The variable “I” can change
  6. 10. A type heterogeneous mixture with large particles that eventually settle out.
  7. 13. All the digits in a measurement known for certain plus one estimate (two words)
  8. 14. Phase change from a gas to a liquid
  9. 16. The amount of matter in an object
  10. 17. Particles are tightly packed and held in a regular pattern
  11. 19. One of Mr. Sutherland’s favorite examples of a heterogeneous mixture (three words)
  12. 22. A homogeneous mixture of metals