
  1. 1. One or more atoms bonded together.
  2. 3. Liquid changing state to a solid.
  3. 5. Made of protons, neutrons, and electrons, these particles make up all matter and there are many different types that can be found on the periodic table of elements.
  4. 9. This state of matter has NO definite shape but does have a definite volume. The particles can flow.
  5. 10. This state of matter has a definite shape and definite volume. The particles cannot flow.
  6. 11. Different types of atoms have different numbers of protons. These different types of atoms are called ___________.
  7. 13. This state of matter has NO definite shape or volume. The particles are very far apart.
  8. 14. All matter is made out of ____________.
  9. 15. Solid changing state to a liquid.
  1. 2. Gas changing state to a liquid.
  2. 4. The amount of space an object takes up.
  3. 6. anything with mass and volume.
  4. 7. Both gasses and liquids have more space between particles allowing them to flow.
  5. 8. The amount of matter in an object. Weight is how it is measured.
  6. 12. Liquid changing state to a gas.