
  1. 1. Matter with a set shape.
  2. 5. How we measure weight.
  3. 7. Very small things that make up matter.
  4. 8. How much matter is there in a certain amount of space?
  5. 10. How much space does an object take up?
  6. 11. Something that becomes different.
  7. 13. How we measure mass.
  8. 15. Matter where the shape can change and have set volume.
  9. 17. The stuff all things are made of.
  10. 18. How much matter is in an object?
  1. 2. Matter, like water, where the shape can change.
  2. 3. How do we figure out things like mass and volume?
  3. 4. Different facts about an object.
  4. 6. The power of gravity pulling you to the surface.
  5. 9. When a liquid becomes a gas.
  6. 12. When water reaches 100 degrees celcius.
  7. 14. When a solid becomes a liquid.
  8. 16. Different forms of matter.